Tuesday, 21 October 2014

New and old cleats and rope clutch's from Easylock

I had the problem with the number cleats that came with the boat when i bought it. It laked the correct number off cleats. The boat is outfitted with deck organisers for ten sheats/ halyards. The boat laked three...

The boat as it came with only seven cleats.
I planned to outfit the boat with: 3 halyards (main, genua and spinnaker), 1 spi- downhaler, 1 boom vang, 1 outhal, 1 cunningham, 2 main reflines and boom uphal.

Easylock Midi - cleaning.
I bought two Easylock Midi - double (gray) used on the web. Cleaned them and the old Easylock Maxi - trible and Easylock 1 - trible.

The inside similar to the Maxi.
The cleats is okay easy to clean just keep track of where everything is going. I just cleaned everything in dishwashing soap and it worked out fine.

Almost new. Works great.
Two halyards are moved to the portside off the boat. Because it's here the two gear winch is. Wich makes it a lot easyer to get the right tension on the forestay and the main. Here you see the two halyards (main and genua) the boom uphal and outhal. the last place is for the second ref ind the main.


Here we have the boom vang, first ref main, spi- downhal, cunningham and spi- halyard.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

New charger with Sterling Power

The old charger died a slow death and the need fore a new one occurred. The old where a Tystor black one. It started to overheat and smell of "burnt" electronics. The hunt was on fore a new one and after a big search through the market (Mastervolt, Ctec, Victron etc)  where the conclusion that it should be Sterling Pro Charge Ultra Battery Charger 12 volt / 30 Amp. It won a couple of big test (See the link) and it can  start charging from a shore power supply of only 105 volts. And a very good article on the choices in choosing a new charger here: ChargingIt: Not All Battery Chargers are Created Equal. Another very important feature is its super quiet compared to a Tystor and has no problem living in a cupboard.

The new charger Sterling Pro 12 volt/ 30 amp. Charger.
Still a small job to do with cleaning up the cable and strapping it down. Now a cable runs to every single battery 2 x 105 amp consumer  batt. and 1 x 60 amp starter batt. Enough to run the ship at anchor with instruments, lighting and fridge for 3 days 247. I sailed alone with all instruments on and sailling only by autopilot and the voltage did not run under 12 volt in 33 hours.

The old Tystor charger.